Sunday, November 30, 2008

week 3: harmony

week 3:harmony

Harmony means in agreement, but when people think of harmony they usually think of something beautiful, so i chose this picture. I took this picture on a plane on the way home from Hawaii, it's the sun setting.

Week 3: Harmony

Crosby, Stills, and Nash, The Beatles, and Boston are all
bands that were known for using harmony in their music.

A piece of music that has both a melody part, and a harmony part.

Week 3: Harmony

Harmony can mean togetherness. So, I took two pictures of Christmas related things, because the holidays are a time when everyone is together. I also took a picture of a squirrel that was eating the pumkins that were outside of my house on Thanksgiving because it showed how animals and people can live together and help eachother to survive.

2nd Marking Period Assignments!

Week 1: "Line" (Nov 16)
Week 2: "Brilliant" (Nov 23)
Week 3: "Harmony" (Dec 7)
Week 4: "Unity" (Dec 14)
Week 5: "Three" (Dec 21)
Week 6: "Warm" (Jan 11)
Week 7: "Time" (Jan 18)
Week 8: "People" (Jan 25)

Please make sure you are using the correct title in your posts. For example, it should say "Week 3: Harmony". It just makes things so much easier!


week 3: harmony

Photo Contest

Check it...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

week 2: brilliant

I picked this one for brilliant because the lighting looked pretty epic. I took it on 11/28 at The Recher Theater in Maryland.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

week 2: Brilliant

i choose a light bulb and jewerly because both of those items remind me of the word "brilliant" they are both very bright, and shinny.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week 1: Line

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Photobucket I used the Fresco effect on this picture because the word fresco comes from the renaissance, which was a time of brilliance. i like how it kind of looks like fire.

week 2: Brilliant

diamonds are brilliant

week 2: Brilliant

i actually took this one on my phone because my camera was dead.

week 2: brilliant

This photo represents brilliance because it shows a girl praying. Brilliance can be shown in prayer because it shows the power and brilliance of God and him helping people.

Week 2: Brilliant

week 2: brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

I took a picture of a diamond ring because I think diamonds are the most brilliant thing you can find.

Week 2: Brilliant

When I think of the word "brilliant" I think our of country and how wonderful it really is. Everyone and everything in our country is brilliant.

Week 2: Brilliant

The first picture is of my mom's valedictorian highschool diploma. The second picture is of my uncle's diploma from dental school.

Week 2: Brilliant

brilliant-shining brightly

These are all pictures of the same light at the same time of day, but by adding a flash and leaving the shutter open longer the light appears to shine brighter (look more brilliant)

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Chemicals to clean the fireplace caused the odd
colors in the fire.
Inside the lobby at the shops at Columbus

Times Square at night. It was a
little over a half mile from where I
was standing when I took this picture.

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 6: "Brillant"

When i think of the word brillant i think of the earth and nature. I think this shows brillant well becasue of the sun that is trying to shine through the clouds.

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

Week 2: Brilliant

the sun in the first one is brilliant, and the flowers in the second picture are simple but effective
I edited both of them to get different contrast and color effects.

Week 2: Brilliant

Brilliant light shining through stained glass.

Week 2: Brilliant

The brilliant sunlight shining through a stained glass

Week 2: Brilliant