Sunday, February 17, 2008



Marina9 said...

i was looking at this picture for like 2 minutes. i cant quite figure out what it is. at first i thought it was a building but then i dont see the other sides of it. but then again mayybe im not suppose to? good composition

Katie M. said...

yeah its a triangular shaped building thats really shiny :]

Katy1 said...

This is a really good picture with line shape and repetition. the only thing is that i would of taken the picture a little higher so the tip of the building wasn't cut off, but overall its a really good picture, good job =]

daria9 said...

So Good! I love how the reflection of the clouds hit the building and the building itself.

Alexa1 said...

anotherr lovelyyyy picture kmo!!!!! it iss very hard to figure out at first but i likeee ittttt :)

becca1 said...

i promised i'd comment on it. . .
i really like this.
it looks like the sky is moving.
nice job =]

Katie M. said...

hahaha thanks for boosting my self confidence i can sleep peacefully tonight :)

Anne p1 said...

wow, this is a really great pic. I like the angle and how you captured the reflection in the building. A lot of line and repetition.